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Printing Competence

18 Dispersion varnishes have a wide range of applications in the printing industry.They are dried by using ink penet- ration and evaporation.The print substrate absorbs the fluid parts of the paint during ink penetration.To speed up the ink penetration and evaporation, an IR/hot air dryer is used.The water content is vapourized by the IR rays. The air with the vapour is then led away using an exhaust system.There is physical cross-linking in the drying pro- cess, which gives the dispersion varnish good mechanical solidity. Properties of the IR/hot air drying: Time: Quick“touch” drying allows maximum machine speeds and reduces waiting times. Energy and the environment: Dispersion varnishes have no adverse effect on human organisms and allow drying with a comparatively low amount of energy being consumed. Quality: Dispersion varnishes can be processed very easily.The coating systems offer increased resistance to scratches and abrasion on the surface with significantly less pow- der being required, in comparison to coatings that dry by means of oxidization. Gloss: With IR/hot air drying clear-coat varnishing systems, extremely high degrees of gloss of over 90 gloss units ­ are possible. IR / hot air drying of dispersion varnishes
